However, many local authorities have completely banned the consumption of this delicacy from buses, subways, hotels and airports. 但是当地政府都禁止人们在公交车上、地铁、酒店以及机场里食用这种水果。
Generally speaking, most investors have looked at these US-Sino cyber security issues if they're even paying attention as mainly a political sideshow for local Chinese consumption or, at worst, a mere rhetorical battle between the world's first-and second-largest economies. 总体而言,大多数投资者把这些美中互联网安全问题如果他们关注这事的话看作主要是一场中国国内的政治游戏,最多也只是一场世界第一大和第二大经济体之间的嘴仗。
Rather than chivvying along the Chinese consumer to buy more cars and fridges, the G20 would do better to focus on the more significant damper on local consumption: the too-cheap currency. 对于g20而言,与其催促中国消费者购买更多的汽车和冰箱,还不如把重点放在一个更重要的抑制消费的因素上:过于廉价的货币。
Varieties grown for local consumption would also suffer, potentially causing mass starvation in tropical regions. 即便是那些仅供本地消费的品种也会感染,并可能引起热带地区的大饥荒。
Research on Clustering Protocol Based on Local Minimal Energy Consumption in WSN 无线传感器网络中基于局部能量消耗最优的分簇协议研究
Their aim is to tailor their skincare offerings for local consumption, particularly in emerging markets. 它们的目的就是根据当地、特别是新兴市场的消费,适当调整自己提供的护肤产品。
In the long term, growth in emerging economies will be contingent on their ability to innovate and shift away from an externally driven growth model to one fueled in part by local consumption. 从长远来看,新兴经济体的经济增长将取决于它们的创新以及从外部推动型增长模式转向部分由当地消费推动的增长模式的能力。
3 familiar with furniture industry and specified market analysis over local consumption market. 3了解家具行业,对加盟店所在城市的消费有准确的市场论证;
In the short to medium term, the rapid growth will in all likelihood continue, driven by a high investment rate, swelling exports and healthy local consumption. 中短期而言,在高投资率、出口膨胀和国内消费健康发展的驱动下,快速增长很可能会持续下去。
His Guangxi Hong Yan food enterprise now produces 300 tonnes of goose liver a year, all for local consumption. 他的广西鸿雁食品有限公司目前每年生产300吨鹅肝,全部用于当地消费。
The momentum analysis based on real survey data shows that its direct economic influence to local society lies in daily consumption and exhibiting expenditure of the exhibitors. 基于实际调查数据的动量分析表明:“义博会”对地方社会产生的直接经济影响,主要体现在参展人员的日常消费和设展支出两大方面。
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has sought ways of boosting local consumption to offset the effects of a sagging world economy. 泰国总理他信已在寻找推动当地经济的办法,以弥补疲软的世界经济所带来的影响。
Sharp said it planned to make a gradual transition in many of its own business lines to a model of "local production for local consumption". 夏普表示,计划将自身的多项业务逐渐转型为“本地生产、本地消费”的模式。
Is local consumption actually growing as many say? 国内实际消费是否如许多人所说的那样在增长?
You can according to the local level of consumption to locate the products you want to grade. 你可以根据当地的消费水平来定位你所要的产品档次。
For example, Jonathan Anderson, an economist with UBS in Hong Kong, notes that Asian economies are essentially self-sufficient in terms of finance for local investment, consumption and working capital. 例如,瑞银(UBS)驻香港经济学家乔纳森安德森(JonathanAnderson)就指出,从国内投资、消费和营运资本的融资来看,亚洲经济体基本上可以实现自给自足。
The development of high education will not only promote local consumption and economic development, but also boost the advancement to local ethnic culture and the building of spiritual civilization. 高等教育的创办能拉动当地的消费,推动当地经济的发展;高校校园文化能促进地方民族文化的发展及精神文明建设,等等。
Local consumption is a cultural outcome of the interaction between ecological system and historical development, which in turn participates perpetually in the reconstruction of the local cultural system. 地方性消费生活是生态结构与历史进程的文化产物,同时也不断地进行着对地方文化系统的再生产。
The building heating energy consumption occupies more than 20% of the local entire society energy consumption in the northen cold area, most of these use the thermoelectricity generation and the coal-burning boiler, bringing the serious pollution to the environment. 北方寒冷地区的建筑采暖能耗已占当地全社会能耗的20%以上,且绝大部分都是采用火力发电和燃煤锅炉,给周边环境带来严重污染。
The same time, not a sound rural financial circumstances, should strengthen the norms of civil lending practices returning farmland to farmers in order to play non-governmental loan to an active role in the promotion of local consumption. 同时在农村金融尚不健全的情况下,应加强规范退耕户的民间借贷行为以发挥民间借贷对促进当地消费的积极作用。
Considering the location, local consumption level, economic development level and other factors based on the essential characteristics to identify the specific cases of clear situation. To see the principle of legality as a guide that analysis the nature of the case. 判断具体案件中明显的状况时,应根据权钱交易的本质特征,综合考虑地理位置、当地消费水平、经济发展水平等各种因素,以合理性、合法性原则为指导,得出判断案件性质的标准。
The relationship between local fiscal expenditure and consumption has been one of important economic topics, especially in China. 财政支出与居民消费的关系一直以来都是经济学界备受关注的话题之一。尤其在当前我国外需不足、投资拉动有限的情况下,居民消费无疑是拉动经济增长的重要力量。
Therefore, it is necessary to breed the pepper varieties which are corresponding to the local consumption custom for meeting the need of production. 为生产所需,有必要进行符合本地消费习惯的辣椒品种选育。
The Coal Enterprises is typical of resource-dependent business which not only had accumulated abundant capital for their development but also play an important role in the local economic development in high consumption of resources period for rapid economic development. 煤炭企业是典型的资源依赖型企业,在以资源高度消耗为代价获得经济快速发展的时期,煤炭企业不仅为自身的发展积累了雄厚的资本,还在促进地方经济发展中起到举足轻重的作用。
However, the developments of budget hotels are still in the exploratory stage in our country, especially in a second-tier city just like Changsha. Their developments inevitably influenced by local economy, humanity and consumption concept, and thus present their regional characteristics. 然而经济型酒在国内的发展还处于探索阶段,特别是在长沙市这样的内地二线城市,其发展必然受到本地经济、人文和消费观念等因素的影响,呈现出自己的地域特色。
Direct detection receiver does not require local oscillator, DC power consumption is low and small size, simple structure, the characteristics of the system integration time is short, compact, integrated imaging of focal plane arrays for high system with significant advantages. 直接检波式接收机具有不需要本振、直流功耗低和体积小、结构简单的特点,在系统积分时间短、小型化、集成化要求高的焦平面成像阵列系统中,具有显著的优势。
Local governments adopt policies to stimulate consumption, but the effect is not very significant. So the relationship, between the urban residents 'income gap and consumer demand study, has practical significance to a certain extent. 各地政府采取相应政策刺激消费,但效果不是很显著,所以对城镇居民收入差距与消费需求之间的关系进行研究在一定程度上有着实际意义。
After the simulation data shows that the small wind and solar power generation system isto meet the needs of the local electricity consumption. 经过模拟数据可知,该小型风光互补发电系统可以满足当地用电量的需求。